March 22, 2021
Good Morning OES Cubs!
This week is White Ribbon Week! Please see attached flyer for more information.
White Ribbon Week Internet Safety Tips
White Ribbon Week New Challenge
Parents now have the option to enter their students’ full day absences on Skyward for absences anytime in the future during the current school year or 2 weeks back. Parents will receive an email showing that their request was either accepted or denied. Please see the following attachment for instructions: Online Absence Request for Parents Tutorial (2).docx
For the remainder of the year, we are going to start each school day with Mindful Minutes. At 9:15am we will begin with a minute of mindful music. After the music plays, a positive affirmation will read. On Monday’s teachers will show a video to their class that goes along with our theme for the week. The following is an example of what our Mindful Minutes each day will look like:
Monday 1 minute of mindful music
Positivity is my Superpower!
Definition of Positivity:Positivity is the frequent experience of pleasant emotions. Some of the most common are: joy, hope, gratitude, interest, serenity, pride, amusement, love, inspiration, and awe. It is important to stay positive – even when things are hard.
Video shown in class:
Each day we will repeat the Affirmation and give examples of how to be positive. By doing this we hope to accomplish a calm, peaceful start to the day that will help everyone focus with a positive attitude.
The following is some community information:
March Parent Night
03.25.21 Alpine .pdf
Have a Great Week!
Many of you may have noticed that the recycle bins are no longer at the school. The bins were not able to fully recycle because there were none-recycle items in the bins. We have 2 trash receptacles that we use for our school. Please do not put personal items in these bins – they are for school use only.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.