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October 2021

Principal Message – October 18, 2021

By Principal's Message

Monday, October 18, 2021

Good Afternoon OES Families,

Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 we welcome students back from fall break.  We also begin Red Ribbon Week.  Red Ribbon Week serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities, educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities. We will be having some fun activities, pledging to be drug free and some great recess activities. The week will give our students the opportunity to wear different things to support Red Ribbon Week.

Tuesday – Turn your back on drugs-Backwards shirt/clothes

Wednesday – Hats off to being drug free-Hats

Thursday – Love yourself! Live drug free-Wear your favorite color

Friday – Saying no to drugs is no sweat-Sweats or PJS

Beginning Monday, October 25th, 2021, the crosswalk on 400 South 400 West, will be moved to 400 South 600 West.  This is due to the construction of the water tank that will be built across the street from the school. The new location of the crosswalk will be the only way for students to cross to and from 400 South.  If your family walks to school and uses the crosswalk, please let your children know that they will need to use the crosswalk at the new location, as the other one will be removed.

If you would like any information concerning the Orem Water Tank project, click on the link:

If you have any questions, please let me know.  

 We are continuing to be cautious about hand washing, sanitizing and making sure touch points around the school are cleaned often to protect our students and staff from COVID.  Please remember to keep your student home if they have a cough, sore throat, runny nose and/or a fever. 

 With Halloween around the corner, we are also being cautious with our celebrations.  We are still planning to have classroom parties, but we will not have a Halloween parade.  Teachers will take pictures of their class, and a compilation of the class pictures will be sent out to parents later that day. (Friday, October 29th, 2021)

 October 20 – Reflections Due

October 20 – Chick-fil-A Spirit Night

October 22 – Home Reading Prize Day

October 22 – Picture retake day

October 25 – PTA Meeting

It’s getting chilly outside, please remind your child/children to dress warmly and bring their coats for recess.

Have a great week!

Principal’s Message – October 4, 2021

By Principal's Message
Monday, October 4, 2021


Welcome to October OES Families,

We have a lot going on this month:

October 4-8 – Book Fair

October 6-7 – Parent Teacher Conferences

October 13th – Minimal Day 

Students in grades 1st – 6th come to school from 9:15am – 12:45pm

Students in Preschool and Kindergarten, so do not attend on minimals days.

October 14-18 – Fall Break

October 19-22 – Red Ribbon Week

October 20 – Reflections Due

October 20 – Chick-fil-A Spirit Night

October 22 – Home Reading Prize Day

October 25 – PTA Meeting

October 28-29 Family Skate Nights – 4:30pm – 8:30pm

October 29 – Halloween Celebration

This week in conjunction with the Book Fair we have Parent Teacher Conferences, please make sure you get the chance to meet with your child’s teacher.  It’s great when home and school have a connection and are working together.

The N-95 masks have arrived from the state.  Teachers will pass these out to their students so each child will receive one.  

The T-shirts from the PTA have arrived, they will be distributed this week.  There are a few extra shirts, with limited sizes.  If you are interested in purchasing one, the PTA will be selling the shirts during parent teacher conferences on Wednesday from 4:00pm – 6:00pm and again on Thursday from 4:00pm – 5:00pm or until the supplies are out.

Don’t forget Reflections are due on October 20, 2021.

Relections poster 2021.pdf

We will have more information on the Halloween Celebration later in the month.  

This October, our school is focusing on Mindset and Focus.  Sometimes finding focus when you are working on something is really hard.  You find yourself jumping back and forth and not accomplishing the task in a timely manner.  If you are interested in a few ways to help improve your focus, please see the attached article:


The following is information from the Utah Parent Night: 

October Parent Night

Understanding the “Why’s” of Talking with Your Child About Their Disability –

How can talking with your child about their disability empower them? In this workshop we will explore the benefits of having an open dialogue with your student about their disability. We will also look at strategies to help your student be empowered to be a participant in their learning and how you can support them as a parent through growing self-awareness, resilience and self-advocacy skills.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

6:30-8:00 pm

Alpine School District Special Education Office

350 North State, Lindon

 Have a great week!