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Principal’s Message – November 30, 2020

By Principal's Message

November 30, 2020

Good Afternoon OES Families,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  December is usually a busy month, however this December will be pretty low key.

In lieu of our annual in person Christmas Sing, we will have a virtual performance from each grade level.  I will send this out via email on December 18th.  As with the Halloween virtual parade, if you would like your child to be included in the virtual performances, please make sure Skyward is up to date. 

In order to update your Skyward account, please log into your Skyward account, then select:

Student Information Update

Select student

On the right hand side you will find student personal information release.  There are 2 spots that need to be filled.  The two spots that need to be checked are:

  1. Directory Information Release

  2. School and District Web/Social Media Release

This release will allow your student to participate in our Virtual Christmas Sing, as well as be in the yearbook.

The main dates to be aware of are:

December 18, 2020 – Minimal Day

December 21 – January 1 – Christmas Break

Here are just a few reminders from last week:

If you are interested in having  your child tested for the ALL (Advanced Learning Lab) program, please see the following link:


If you are interested in participating in the Sundance Ski School Program this year through OES, please read through the attached flier.  If you would like to register, please contact Karen Madsen for a registration link.

Preregistration montueaft email (2) (1).docx

Orem Elementary 2021 (1).doc

Karen Madsen

[email protected]

(801) 368-8302  (call or text)

United Way has a program to help with Christmas.  Please see the attached flyer.  

Sub for Santa Flyer (1).pdf  

In years past, Orem Elementary teachers have donated money for some of our families to help with Christmas.  We are doing that again this year, just on a much smaller scale.  Sometimes, families in our school have asked about donations.  If you would like to make a donation to help some children in our school with Christmas, you can donate money to the Alpine Foundation, Orem Elementary Christmas Fund.

Have a great week!

Principal Message – November 23, 2020

By Principal's Message

November 23, 2020

Good Morning OES Families,

This is a short week at school, but a long weekend is coming up.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to our OES community. I am so grateful to be able to work among such wonderful people.  I love walking the halls of our school and seeing the great teaching that is being done by our teachers, witnessing the countless hours of dedication and hard work they put in for our students.  It is impressive, to say the least, about the amount of concern for each child to have the best educational experience possible.  

I am also grateful for our entire staff.  Our secretaries keep our office humming, organized and positive, our custodial staff keeps our building clean and sanitized, our lunch ladies are kind, good hearted and professional, and our aides add support to our entire school in one form or another.  We have a pretty polished culture within our school thanks to everyone’s immense support.

I would also like to thank our parents for supporting and trusting us with your children. Your patience and dedication to your children, as well as the support you lend to the school makes for a winning formula.  The old African proverb of: “It takes a village to raise a child” proves true through research and daily interactions with one another.  As we support one another in our endeavors our goals are more easily achieved.  

Finally, I want to thank our students.  They have been excellent examples of wearing masks – even when they don’t want to.  I love seeing their bright happy faces in our school. The stories they tell me, the lessons I learn from them and the hard work they put in everyday is inspiring.  Our students are the heart of the school and the part that makes my job the best in the world.  

One last thank you to our supporting businesses.  Just today, Hive Real Estate Collective donated $200 to our school.  They have a program where they donate money to our school when they help with a home sale or purchase.  Thank you so much.

Last Thursday, we had our Reflections Awards Recognition.  It looked a bit different this year, but we had a lot of wonderful entries.  Please see the attached video.

If you are interested in having  your child tested for the ALL (Advanced Learning Lab) program, please see the following link:


If you are interested in participating in the Sundance Ski School Program this year through OES, please read through the attached flier.  If you would like to register, please contact Karen Madsen for a registration link.

Preregistration montueaft email (2) (2).docx

Orem Elementary 2021 (1).doc

Karen Madsen

[email protected]

(801) 368-8302  (call or text)

United Way has a program to help with Christmas.  Please see the attached flyer.  

Sub for Santa Flyer (2).pdf

In years past, Orem Elementary teachers have donated money for some of our families to help with Christmas.  We are doing that again this year, just on a much smaller scale.  Sometimes, families in our school have asked about donations.  If you would like to make a donation to help some children in our school with Christmas, you can donate money to the Alpine Foundation, Orem Elementary Christmas Fund.

Have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving Break. (No School Nov.25-27).

Principal Message – November 16, 2020

By Principal's Message

November 16, 2020

Good Morning OES Families,

This week we have our picture retakes on Thursday this week.  

Please make sure that your child/children bring a mask to school.  It’s also wise to have them keep an extra one in their backpacks, just in case they forget a mask. Please remind everyone that masks need to be worn when you are on school property.  We want to keep everyone as safe as possible.  The only times that masks are not required is during recess, PE and while eating lunch.  We have found that before and after school, students are not wearing their masks or socially distancing themselves from others during these times.  Students have been doing a great job wearing masks, it’s just a good idea for a periodic reminder.

Next week is a short week, we will only have school Monday and Tuesday and then we have Thanksgiving break.

Please check the lost and found for any missing items.  

Here is some more information about Ski School:

 Orem Elementary 2021.doc

Preregistration montueaft email (2) (1).docx

Sub for Santa

Sub for Santa Flyer (1).pdf  

Have a wonderful week!

Principal Message – November 9, 2020

By Principal's Message

November 9, 2020

Good Afternoon OES Families, 

After the governor’s address last night, I would like to inform you that school will be business as usual.  We already require masks to be worn, and have taken as many preventative measures to ensure the safety of our students and staff. If anything changes, I will let you know as soon as possible. 

This week we will have a moment of silence on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 to honor our Veterans on Veterans Day. 

Friday, November 13th is the end of the term and is a minimal day as well.  If your family chose either to attend school in person or online, and you would like to change the current formant to either in person or online, please let your child’s teacher know. 

Friday’s minimal day times will be the same as October’s minimal day.  

Breakfast and lunch will be served. 

School will be shortened for grades 1st – 6th.  Preschool and Kindergarten students will not come to school, but will have opportunities via email optional at-home activities developed by the district curriculum department.

The schedule for students in grades 1st – 6th is as follows:

Early Birds – 8:00am – 11:30am

Later Gators – 9:15 – 12:45pm

The following message is from our PTA:

Don’t forget to support the PTA as you get your Christmas shopping done by using Amazon Smile. Just click the following link and shop as normal, and Amazon donates to your OES PTA. Happy Shopping!

The following is community information: 


If you are interested in participating in the Sundance Ski School Program this year through OES, please read through the attached flier.  If you would like to register, please contact Karen Madsen for a registration link. Preregistration montueaft email (2).docx

Karen Madsen

[email protected]

(801) 368-8302  (call or text)

Talking to your kids about vaping:


ReporttoParents_Vaping_eng (1).pdf

ESS Substitutes-

ESS is looking to start the new year off right with plenty of amazing substitutes for Alpine School District. If you would like to be a substitute teacher, special ed aide or office assistant, please apply online at

#everydaycounts #utahjobs #jobsineducation #substituteteacher

Join our team (2).jpg