September 18, 2019
Good Morning Parents,
This is a reminder that Friday is a busy day for everyone at Orem Elementary. We will be having our Evacuation Drill AND our Walk to School Day this Friday. For the evacuation drill, please remember that this is an AM common day.
All students in grades 1st – 6th will come to school at 8:00am and go home at 2:15pm. The AM kindergarten students will come at 8:00am – 10:45am and the PM kindergarten students will come at 11:30am – 2:15pm. Students who are in Mrs. Ridge’s class will ride the bus and come at their regular time. Individual arrangements will be made for the students in Mrs. Ridge’s class.
Friday is also our Walk to School Day. Please see the link for the meeting places. We have teachers meeting at the various markers on the map. The students who plan to meet and walk at 400 South and 1200 West, we will be leaving that spot around 7:35am. Other meeting spots will leave at later times in relation to the distance from the school.
Friday is also evacuation drill day. Please review the following:
Teachers and school personnel will evacuate all students to the grass area north of the school in their designated places as grade levels. They will take role and make sure all students are accounted for.
If this were a real scenario, a phone message and/or email will be sent to parents letting them know about the situation and indicating that they will need to pick up their children. Friday is a drill, so this email will serve as the notification that parents or emergency contacts will need to pick up their children at 2:00 pm on the day of the drill.
As parents come to the school, they should wait outside the east side of the gates of the school until all students are accounted for.
Parents will then be directed by school personnel in small groups to the location of their child’s grade level.
Teachers will check students out to parents or other adults as designated by the parent on the emergency check-out form. Only those adults designated on this form (that is on your child’s Skyward account) will be able to check out a student. All adults checking out students MUST bring a picture ID.
When an adult does check-out a student, he/she will sign the check-out sheet provided by the teacher. The student will then have their hand stamped.
Parents and students will exit through the gates on the upper northeast side of the field.
Our PTA will be selling carnival tickets, please see the following message from our PTA:
OES Carnival Ticket Sales
We are in need of some Volunteers to help sell tickets for carnival. Please click on the link below and fill in where you are able to help. Thank you!
If you have any questions regarding our walk to school day or our evacuation drill, please call the school before Friday. I would really encourage you to allow your child/children to participate in the drill. It is really important to practice these kinds of drills in case of a real emergency.
Thank you for your support.