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Principal’s Message

Principal Message – November 2, 2020

By Principal's Message

November 2, 2020

Good Afternoon OES Cubs, 

Here are a list of events that are happening this November: 

November 11 – Veteran’s Day 

We will have a moment of silence to honor our Veterans

November 13 – Minimal Day

This will be the same schedule as the October minimal day:

Breakfast and lunch will be served. 

School will be shortened for grades 1st – 6th.  Preschool and Kindergarten students will not come to school, but will have opportunities via email optional at-home activities developed by the district curriculum department.

The schedule for students in grades 1st – 6th is as follows:

Early Birds – 8:00am – 11:30am

Later Gators – 9:15 – 12:45pm

November 16 – Grandparents/Special Friend Postcard Thank You.  (More information will be coming tomorrow from the PTA)

November 19 – Reflections Award Ceremony

November 19 – Picture Retakes

November 25 – 27th – Thanksgiving Break

Here is some information from our community:

Orem Rec. Center: 2020flyer.pdf

Advanced Learning Lab (A.L.L) Testing –

United Way – Sub for Santa: Sub for Santa Flyer.pdf

For over 35 years, United Way of Utah County’s Sub for Santa has coordinated with local schools and nonprofits to provide gifts for children in Utah County. These gifts include

books, educational toys, and winter clothes. This is a temporary Christmas assistance program that assists families that are not getting help from anyone else.

Sub for Santa goes beyond Christmas. We also help families with taxes, parenting support, and link them to other needed resources. 

Parent Night November Information:

Sensory Processing Disorder And the Holidays 

Thursday, November 19, 2020, 6:30-8:00 

The Holidays can bring a whole new set of challenges for our children who struggle with sensory processing. 

Join us for Parent Night where you will learn:

·      The names and characteristics of the types of sensory processing disorder. 

·      General tools to use for kids throughout the year. 

·      Specific strategies to use for each sense when kids get over-stimulated during the holidays. 

·      Tips on pre-teaching and training with kids, along with specific tools to implement.

Please register to participate virtually:

Questions? Please contact Maria Wiscombe 801-318-1959 or

For information on Parent Nights and other upcoming events visit

Facebook at

Principal’s Message – October 27, 2020

By Principal's Message

October 26, 2020

Good Afternoon OES Families,

This is a pretty quiet week, except for Friday when we have Halloween. Students can dress up if they would like. Please remember that no toy weapons are allowed. Teachers will be doing activities in their classrooms. We will have a virtual parade that we will send out in a link later that day. If your child would like to participate, please make sure your Skyward account is updated.

In order to update your Skyward account, please log into your Skyward account, then select:

Student Information Update

Select student

On the right hand side you will find student personal information release. There are 2 spots that need to be filled. The two spots that need to be checked are:

Directory Information Release

School and District Web/Social Media Release

This release will allow your student to participate in our Virtual Halloween Parade, as well as be in the yearbook.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

We have several students who bring their own phones to school. Many students choose to check their phones into the office, where we can make sure they are safe and not stolen. If your child decides to keep their phone with them, please remind them that the phones should be turned off. There are so many capabilities with smartphones, we need to ensure that no photos or videos are being taken on the playground for everyone’s privacy.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great week!

Principal Message – October 23, 2020

By Principal's Message

October 23, 2020

Good Morning OES Families,

This is a reminder from our PTA:

Today is our Spirit Night at Panda Express on Center in Orem. Eat there today, 10am-11pm and they will donate 20% to our Orem Elementary PTA. Be sure to show them the attached flyer or use the code for online ordering. Happy Eating!

Please see the attached flyer. You will need to show the paper version or a digital version if you go into the store. If you order online, you will need to mention the code that is on the flyer.;!!P-Vt7t5jJSrPd9zQ!8UKVsBLkcaQ9ONxfJ05WrW5MpBfz0K3_zyIBRljIqO958-fEO4R4M9zbfhcQx927uSc$

We are not having our traditional Halloween parade like we usually do. However, we will have a virtual parade that will be sent out to parents through a link.

If you would like your child/children to participate, as well as be in the yearbook, you will have to update your Skyward account for your child/children. If you do not want your child to participate in the virtual parade, please let their teacher know.

In order to update your Skyward account, please log into your Skyward account, then select:

Student Information Update

Select student

On the right hand side you will find student personal information release.  There are 2 spots that need to be filled.  The two spots that need to be checked are:

  1. Directory Information Release

  2. School and District Web/Social Media Release

This release will allow your student to participate in our Virtual Halloween Parade, as well as be in the yearbook.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

One last reminder, please remind your child/children to bring their mask to school.  We have disposable masks at school in case of emergency, however, we have a very limited supply. A great idea is to have them keep an extra mask in their backpack, so in case they forget they always have a backup. 

Have a great weekend.

Principal Message – October 20, 2020

By Principal's Message

October 20, 2020

Welcome back to school after Fall Break!

This week is our Red Ribbon Week.  Today’s theme is “Put a Lid on Drugs”.  Tonight’s family activity is to have a family discussion about drugs, alcohol and expectations.  

The following are the activities for the rest of the week:

Wed Oct. 21st

Theme: I’m drug free from head to toe

Wear: Crazy hair and socks

Recess: Red ribbons on fence

At home activity: Have a game night


Thursday Oct. 22nd 

Theme: Our team is drug free

Wear: Sports jerseys, favorite team or school colors and shirts

Recess: Chalk

At home activity: Do something active outside today. Run, bike, hike


Friday Oct 23rd

Theme: Whatever I dream I can be if I stay drug free

Wear: PJs

Recess: Red ribbon scavenger hunt.

At home activity: Have a family dinner. Maybe your parents will even let you eat out for our school spirit night at Panda Express!

Please see the attached flyer.  You will need to show the paper version or a digital version if you go into the store.  If you order online, you will need to mention the code that is on the flyer.;!!P-Vt7t5jJSrPd9zQ!8UKVsBLkcaQ9ONxfJ05WrW5MpBfz0K3_zyIBRljIqO958-fEO4R4M9zbfhcQx927uSc$

Halloween is just around the corner.  There will not be a Halloween parade this year due to the pandemic. Students can still come in costume if they want to.  Please remember not to wear a costume that contains gore and the only masks that can be worn, are the ones we use for personal protection.  Also, no play weapons are allowed.  

Remember to check the lost and found – it’s going to be colder later in the week and students may need their coats.  

Have a nice rest of the week.