October 5, 2020
Good Afternoon OES Families,
This week is our Parent Teacher conference week. If you haven’t signed up for a conference time either in person or virtually, please contact your student’s teacher ASAP.
We have many items in our lost and found. Please have your child check the tables out in front of the office to see if they have any items. If you are attending Parent Teacher Conferences in person, please take a quick look to see if you can find any lost items.
Just a reminder about picture day on October 13th and 14th.
October 13th – Grades Kindergarten – 4th grade – and all online students
October 14th – Grades 5th – 6th
Siblings can get their pictures taken on November 19th on our picture makeup day. More information will be coming closer to the date.
October 14th – Minimal Day
Don’t forget about our online Book Fair – it is available until October 14th.
The following is information from our PTA:
Tonight is our Family Skate Night. Don’t forget to wear a mask. Please see the attached flyer.
The PTA will be present during parent teacher conferences from 4:00pm – 7:30 They will be selling masks,($6 each), lanyards ($3) yearbooks ($10, price for yearbooks will go up after parent teacher conferences) and memberships ($5).
Thursday, October 8th, we will be having a Spirit Night at Handel’s Ice Cream. Handel’s will donate 20% of sales between 2:00pm – 10:00pm for anyone who mentions Orem Elementary when they order. SPIRITNIGHTOREM.pdf
Reflections due date is October 13th. 2020 Reflections Poster (1)_0 (2).pdf Instructions for Reflections online (2).pdf
If you want to get a head start on the words for our Spelling Bee, here is a link to the word list. The Spelling Bee will be held at the end of January. 2021 study list.pdf
Box Tops – If you have any physical Box Tops, please send them to school this week. Right now there are a couple of ways to support our school by collecting Box Tops.
You can still clip them and send them to school. Physical Box Top clips are being phased out of production, but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store. Send your clipped Box Tops, along with any unexpired clips you may have at home, to Orem Elementary.
No more clipping. Tap the scan button and snap a photo of your receipt within 14 days of purchase
For more information, please visit the website: https://www.boxtops4education.com/How%20To%20Earn
Hope for Utah Newsletter for October is attached: Spanish_newsletter.pdf October_Wellness_Newsletter_for_Parents_Hope4Utah_1_.pdf
Here’s to a great Parent Teacher Conference week! Have a great evening.