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Principal Message – September 11, 2020

By September 11, 2020Principal's Message

September 11, 2020 

September 11th is Patriot Day and a National Day of Service and Remembrance. We would like to pay tribute and give thanks to our currant and local first responders as well as the individuals lost and injured in the attacks, first responders, and the many who have risen in service to defend freedom.  

Thank you.

We would like to  inform you that beginning Monday, all students enrolled at Orem Elementary – both in person and online will receive a free lunch if the student chooses to eat school lunch.  Please see attached flyer for more information. 

Free Lunch September 2020 (1).pdf

If you feel that your family would qualify for free and reduced meals, please go to the following link to fill out an application.  If you do qualify, when the funding ends for the free meals, you won’t have a lapse/or be charged for your child to participate in meal programs that our school offers. 

Students who are online and/or Kindergarten students can pick up their breakfast meals from 7:30am – 7:55am or from 8:45am – 9:15am.  

Online students/Kindergarteners can pick up their lunches from 10:20am – 10:35am.  This will be served in a grab and go manner.

The following message is from our wonderful PTA:

Please get online and order your masks and lanyards soon. They are being delivered this week so this is your last chance to pre-order them. We will be distributing them next week and if there are any left over we will sell those as well. More details on distribution will come early next week. If you come to our PTA meeting Monday, 10am in the gym you can pick up your pre-ordered masks and lanyards. 

There are only 3 weeks left to pre-order your yearbooks at the early-bird price. All orders for the aforementioned products and any donations you would like to make may be done on the website:


Also, the PTA is still looking for Room Parents and volunteers for classes.  If you are interested please contact Delaina Whimpey at:

Have a great weekend.