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April 2020

Principal’s Message – April 27, 2020

By Principal's Message

April 27, 2020

Good Morning OES Families,

This email contains a lot of information and the Spanish Translation is attached to this email.Este correo electrónico contiene mucha información y la traducción al español se adjunta a este correo electrónico.

27 de abril de 2020.docx

May is a busy month of traditions, closures, and celebrations.  We understand how important it is to continue our OES traditions, however this year these will be done in a modified way.

I want to start out by thanking our amazing teachers for their help in our OES storytime/activity.  This is happening everyday school day at 1:30pm.  

This week you will be able to see Mrs. Tanner, Mrs. Burt, Mrs. Giles, Mrs. Huntsman and Miss Rondi.  In addition, Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Park will be doing a science project on Wednesday, April 29th.  There will also be a special message to our students from the teachers.  Make sure you watch our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Like our Facebook page!

Follow us on Instagram oes_cubs

This week we are focusing on Art and Music.  Look around and see the natural art and music that happens around you.  You may also want to send a picture or a music recording to a loved one.   Mrs. Giles will be doing an art activity on Wednesday.

Congratulations to our “Tricky Tuesday Teaser” correct guesses.  They were delivered a prize Friday afternoon.  Make sure to look for this week’s brain teaser tomorrow. 

I know many of you are asking about how to get the contents from your student’s desk.  Our teachers are in the process of cleaning out student’s desks and bagging them up.  

We have scheduled May 20th, 21st and 22nd for our pickup times.  More information will be coming later in the month of May.


Orem Elementary and our amazing PTA have teamed up and have decided to give each student a yearbook at no cost.  We are waiting for the yearbooks to arrive and they will be distributed with the contents of the desks.  If you have already purchased and paid for a yearbook, the PTA will be sending out information for families in this situation.  

School Work

We want to give our students the best opportunity for learning.  Although NEW instruction will be ending May 12, 2020, teaching and learning will still be taking place until May 22, 2020.  We will have digital school celebrations the following week of May 26 -29, 2020.

Term 3 Grading: Due to the unique circumstances of our school dismissal and the dynamics of our virtual learning there will be some changes to our term 3 grading to best reflect our current situation. You will see the following grades on your student’s term 3 report card.

  • 1,2,3,4: The standard-based rating that you are used to will be used for the essential standards that were taught and assessed prior to our school dismissal.

  • Standards that were taught and assessed after our school dismissal will be graded as:                                                                                                               

  • * P: (Pass)- this will be used when a student has shown proficiency on a     standard                                                                                                               

  • *N: (Needs Improvement)- this will be used when a student has shown limited proficiency or no effort on a given standard.                                    *NA: (Not Assessed)- this will be used on standards that were not taught during term 3 due to our school dismissal. With our change in instruction and assessment at this time, some grades may be NA.

Kindergarten Registration is available on our website:  If you have any questions, your can reach our secretary at:  [email protected]

School lunches will continue as follows:

Grab & Go Days: Mondays & Thursdays

Mondays: You will receive the following meals: Monday lunch; Tuesday breakfast & lunch; Wednesday breakfast & lunch; and breakfast for Thursday.

Thursday: You will receive the following meals: Thursday lunch; Friday breakfast & lunch; and breakfast for Monday.

*Please only pick up meals for your student at one site.

Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm


Field Day

 We will have a modified Field Day on May 8th, 2020.  More information will be coming soon.  This is a national Field Day that we will be participating in virtually.


6th Grade Graduation:

We are planning our 6th grade graduation.  If you have a 6th grade student, please look for more information coming from your child’s 6th grade teacher.

 Keep up the great work!  Everyone is working so hard to make sure this is a great and successful learning year.  If you have any questions or need anything, please feel free to reach out to me:

 Email: [email protected] 

School: 801-610-8116

Cell:  801-860-5152

 Have a fantastic week!

Principal Message – April 20, 2020

By Principal's Message

April 20, 2020

Good Morning OES Cubs!

Can you believe that we only have about 6 weeks of school left? I know you are all working so hard and we want these last few weeks to be as fun and filled with learning as possible. We have decided to have a theme for each week, and you can look on our Facebook page and see different teachers reading a story or doing some kind of activity. These will be posted or streamed live at 1:30pm each school day.

In addition to a story or activity, each Tuesday, we will post a riddle or brain teaser on our Facebook and Instagram pages. If you would like to participate, you can look for the “Tricky Tuesday Task”. Message or email me your answers. The first correct answer will receive a prize via email, snail mail or a social distancing drop off.

This week’s theme is “Reading is Everywhere!” This week we would like to hear what your favorite books are, what you are reading now and what is on your list to read in the future. We are looking for inspirational book reviews. Please post on our social media sights so we can share some of the great books that have been and are being read during this time.

We are also beginning the process of collecting library books and home reading books. If you have a library book at home, you can drop it off at the school. This Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the book deposit box will be out by where you pick up breakfast and lunch from 9:30am -11:00am. Beginning Thursday, the book deposit box will be in the front of the school. You will be able to drop off your books from 8:00am – 4:00pm this Thursday and Friday.

Let’s see how many library and home reading books we can gather during our “Reading is Everywhere” week.

Also, this week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) breakfast and lunches will be served from 9:30am – 11:am.

Beginning Thursday, April 23, 2020:

Grab & Go Days: Mondays & Thursdays

Mondays: You will receive the following meals: Monday lunch; Tuesday breakfast & lunch; Wednesday breakfast & lunch; and breakfast for Thursday.

Thursday: You will receive the following meals: Thursday lunch; Friday breakfast & lunch; and breakfast for Monday.

*Please only pick up meals for your student at one site.

Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

I will keep you updated with any information that comes up. If you have any questions, please let me know. Keep up the great work and have a wonderful week!

Principal Message – April 15, 2020

By Principal's Message

April 15, 2020

I suppose most of you have heard that our Governor has extended our soft school closure and we will be finishing off the school year as we have been doing. I’m sure more information will be coming out later this week, and I will keep you informed as the information comes through.

I know that many of our teachers, students and other staff members are feeling sad at not having the opportunity to have an official closure of our school year. I will be working with our staff so we can have a plan for a different closure for our school year. I know it won’t be the same, however, it will be memorable because it will be so different.

We have created a survey, and would like your input on how you feel this online schoolwork is working. Please click on the link below, and let us know your feedback. We are all trying our best to make sure our students are still receiving the best education.

I know that this online learning format can be overwhelming for families and students, and I want you to know that we are here for you and your children. I look forward to hearing your input.

Stay safe and healthy.

Best Regards,

Andrea Park

Principal Message – April 1, 2020

By Principal's Message

April 1, 2020

Happy April Fool’s Day!!!

Thanks to everyone who has liked our social media pages. It has been fun and a little scary reading books live on Facebook, but WOW it is so nice to be able to connect with some of you.

Tomorrow I will be posting a video of a science project and also adding to my happiness jar. I hope all of our students are thinking of things that make them happy. Like I said, it’s the people I do my activities that make me happy the most. We are fortunate to be able to spend time with our families and connect with so many others electronically during this social distancing time. I know it’s not the same, believe me when I say everyone at Orem Elementary is missing our students and families far beyond what words can say.

Today we had some teachers come and wrap yellow ribbons around our school yard. We stayed our 6ft apart, but oh, how we enjoyed talking to each other in person and seeing a few students walk by as they picked up their lunch.

This Friday, we will be doing a car parade around our school boundaries. Please see the link below for the route that we will take. I hope it’s nice weather, and I know that our teachers and I are looking forward to seeing as many of our students as we can.


Please check your mail – like the post office mail, each family was mailed a little something for our Lemon Drop Week. We mailed a lot of items all at once, but be on the watch for a little something.

Next week is Spring Break. Originally, April 6th was supposed to be a Snow Make Up day, but as of now, it is not. Spring Break will be from April 6th – 10th – no school work will be assigned for April 6th.

If your family still needs a Chromebook, please email our Computer Specialist: [email protected]. This Friday will be the last day that Chromebooks will be available to check out.

A reminder that our office hours are from 8:00am – 12:00pm. The school will be locked, but if you have any questions, you can call the school. If we are busy on another call, leave a message and we will get back to you.

Breakfast and lunch pick up is from 9:30am – 11:00am.

Have a great day!!!