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Good Morning OES Families,

Happy Veterans Day.  We would like to thank all of the families and family members who serve our country so selflessly.

This is a busy week here at Orem Elementary.  On Wednesday, we have picture retakes. Then on Thursday and Friday, it is Grandparents/Special Guest luncheon.  Please see attached flyer.

Lunch2 (1).docx

Please see the following for community information:

Orem Elementary Ski School opportunity. Please see attached flyer.

OES_SkiSshool_2018-19 (1).pdf

Basics and Pro Se Guardianship Workshop

December 5, 2018 6:00-8:30 p.m.

Dan Peterson School, 169 North 1100 East, American Fork

What is guardianship and why is it important? Did you know that all children who turn 18, the age of majority, are considered adults even if they have disabilities? This can affect your involvement with your student’s IEP, working with medical professionals and more. Come to this presentation to learn about guardianship and if you will need to file for it, what types of guardianship are available and what the process entails. Next you will learn about the Pro Se Process. Family petitioners can represent themselves in the court process. This process is called Pro Se Representation and it can save the family members money by choosing to represent themselves. During the training, families will be taught how to fill out these documents correctly, how to file the documents with the court and how to represent themselves at the hearing. Following the training, documents can be emailed to you along with detailed written instructions.

Space is limited.

Pre-registration for this class is required. Register at

Questions? Contact Maria at [email protected] or 801-318-1959

Maria Wiscombe

Alpine District Parent Consultant

Utah Parent Center

Office:  801-318-1959

Spanish Speaking: 801-272-1067

Find us on Facebook and Twitter!


Have a great week.