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Orem Elementary 


PBIS is a research based, systematic approach to teaching expected behaviors. It includes a three level system to address behavior needs and expectations school-wide, in classrooms and for students with at-risk behaviors. Behaviors are explicitly taught and reinforced through positive behavior supports.

Mission Statement

Our mission at OES is to nurture in all students the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that empower them socially, emotionally, and academically through “The Cub Way”.

The Cub Way

  • Respect – is to honor and to show consideration and value to people, property, the environment, and yourself.
  • Self-Mastery – is being aware of your feelings and actions and responding appropriately.
  • Compassion – is caring about others and showing you care with kindness and concern.
  • Resilience – is the ability to handle stress positively and bounce back from hard things by trying again.

At Orem Elementary, we utilize a Behavior Matrix that was created and is implemented by all school personnel. It includes the expected behaviors in all classroom settings (for example, playground, library, classroom, etc).  The behavior matrix is reviewed and revisited on a consistent basis. Each month, all classrooms are given specially designed lessons in order to explicitly teach a desired behavior in a selected location.


  • Ask your child or children about their day
  • Talk about making good choices and using the “CUB WAY” at home and at school
  • Ask students how they earned their pawsitive tokens and celebrate the success with them.
  • Read books/articles that discuss behavior or have lessons that teach them about character building (SEE BOOK RESOURCE LIST).
  • Communicate often with your child’s teacher on behavior. Ask how you can help and share what works at home
  • Look out for school information regarding PBIS and the CUB WAY.


Goal: Help students reflect and improve at all levels – the goal is not justice 

1st Step Precision Request given
  • Verbal warning, post it/mark on desk (See Precision Request sheet) 
  • Reteach Cub Way Principle – Student Conference
2nd Step  Think Time Sheet is given
  • Student goes to another room or a designated spot in the classroom; no parent contact (See Think Time Procedure sheet) 
3rd Step  Action Plan is created/given
  • Minor Behavior Form is completed and more intense interventions are used.
  • Grade Level Team discusses the situation & gives ideas/solutions to handle the issue.
  • Parents contacted by the teacher.
4th Step  Office Referral
  • Complete the Major Behavior Form
  • Please don’t send to office until steps 1-3 are completed or if it is a severe behavior.

If behavior is severe, please send the student to the office

5th Step Behavior Plan
  • After receiving the follow up email from the principal, follow any guidance and directions given.
  • Continue to monitor and track behavior.
  • Complete any additional major or minor behavior forms as needed

TO BE EFFECTIVE: All teachers use MUCH, positive interactions, and build relationships 

(Also see Tips & Tricks for Managing Behavior and PBIS Tips & Tricks

  1. MODEL and practice expectations
  2. UTILIZE a UNIFIED school-wide system
  3. COMMUNICATE clear expectations
  4. HOLD students accountable


  • Welcoming students to class (ex. high-fives, using students’ names)
  • Praise
  • Proximity
  • Teach/Review Behavior Curriculum and Cub Way Traits
  • Practice/Model Cub Way Traits
  • Front-loading (anticipating problems and prepping/practicing before hand)
  • Social, visual, and/or verbal cueing
  • Wait time
  • Reminders


pbis – Utah Parent Center