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Principal’s Message

Principal Message – September 9, 2019

By Principal's Message

Sept. 9, 2019

Good Afternoon OES Families,

As you can feel, the fall weather has shown itself.  Please remind your children to bring jackets because the mornings can have a crisp feel.

This week is pretty quiet, however it is a good time to remind everyone about the Evacuation Drill/Walk to School Day on September 20th.  Don’t forget that this is an AM common day.

All students in grades 1st – 6th will come to school at 8:00am and go home at 2:15pm.  The AM kindergarten students will come at 8:00am – 10:45am and the PM kindergarten students will come at 11:30am – 2:15pm.  Students who are in Mrs. Ridge’s class will ride the bus and come at their regular time. Individual arrangements will be made for the students in Mrs. Ridge’s class.

Please remember to update your child’s Skyward account with emergency contacts and any other pertinent information. All adults picking up students MUST be a guardian or listed as an emergency contact and MUST bring a picture ID.  We conduct these drills so that in case of an emergency, we will be as prepared as possible.

We are preparing for our school carnival which will take place on Sept. 23, 2019.  The following message is from the PTA:

Flyer 2-2019.pdf

The carnival is our biggest event and our only fundraiser for PTA. We are in need of several more volunteers to fill the carnival shifts. We have two shifts 3:30-5:30 and 5:30-7:30 (your kids are also welcome to help with you if you would like). You will be helping run provided activities and games. Please click on the link below to sign up. We would really love your help!



Mr. Winters will be teaching our Orchestra Class at Orem Jr. this year.  This is for grades 5-6. It will be on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm and will cost $65 per semester.Please see the attached flyer. 

Orem Elementary Orchestra Flyer 2019 (3).pdf

Don’t forget about the PTA Reflections Program.  This is an opportunity for every student in our school to participate in. The theme this year is:

Look Within

Please see the following video:

There is a table in front of the office that has the rules and categories for Reflections. 

As you all know, we have a Jr. Hope Squad here at Orem Elementary.  Each month, we receive a newsletter called “Wellness Today”. Please see the following attachments for the newsletter:



The Orem Rec Center has sent us the following information:

Orem Rec. Flyer:  fall flyer.2019.pdf

Thank you for all you do for your children and our school.  Make sure you update Skyward information as soon as possible.  Have a great week!

Principal Message – August 30, 2019

By Principal's Message

August 30, 2019

Good Afternoon OES Families,

I am sending this email on Friday this week, because next Monday is Labor Day and there is no school. Here are the exciting things happening in the month of September:

Sept. 6 – School T-shirt Ordering Deadline

When you order, please check the “pick up” option. The t-shirts will be delivered to the school and we will get the orders to the students. If you choose the “shipping” option, there will be an added cost. Orders for t-shirts will be available until September 6, 2019.

Sept. 6, – Vision Screening

Sept. 17 – SCC Meeting @ 10:00am room 117

Sept. 20 – Walk to School – AM Common Day

Sept. 20 – Evacuation Drill – AM Common Day

Our annual “Evacuation, Reunification Drill” is done each year. We conduct this drill in an effort to be better prepared in case of an emergency where students would need to be reunited with their parents during school hours. Possible scenarios for this type of evacuation include anything that would make us unable to return to the school building including fire, natural disasters, or other unsafe conditions.

For those of you who are new to Orem this year, and/or have never participated in a drill like this, the following is helpful information:

Teachers and school personnel will evacuate all students to the grass area north of the school in their designated places as grade levels. They will take role and make sure all students are accounted for.

If this were a real scenario, a phone message and/or email will be sent to parents letting them know about the situation and indicating that they will need to pick up their children. Friday is a drill, so this email will serve as the notification that parents or emergency contacts will need to pick up their children at 2:00 pm on the day of the drill.

As parents come to the school, they should wait outside the east side of the gates of the school until all students are accounted for.

Parents will then be directed by school personnel in small groups to the location of their child’s grade level.

Teachers will check students out to parents or other adults as designated by the parent on the emergency check-out form. Only those adults designated on this form (that is on your child’s Skyward account) will be able to check out a student. All adults checking out students MUST bring a picture ID.

When an adult does check-out a student, he/she will sign the check-out sheet provided by the teacher. The student will then have their hand stamped.

Parents and students will exit through the gates on the upper northeast side of the field.

Teachers and school personnel will stay at the evacuation site until all students are retrieved. Teachers and school personnel will then meet in the media center to debrief.

It is extremely important that Skyward accounts with emergency contacts are updated. All adults picking up students MUST be a guardian or listed as an emergency contact and MUST bring a picture ID. We conduct these drills so that in case of an emergency, we will be as prepared as possible.

What is a Common Day????

All students in grades 1st – 6th will come to school at 8:00am and go home at 2:15pm. The AM kindergarten students will come at 8:00am – 10:45am and the PM kindergarten students will come at 11:30am – 2:15pm. Students who are in Mrs. Ridge’s class will ride the bus and come at their regular time. Individual arrangements will be made for the students in Mrs. Ridge’s class.

Beginning in September we will be recognizing one student from every core class for “Student of the Month”. In order for a student to be chosen to be “Student of the Month”, they will need to meet the following criteria.

Perfect Attendance for the month – No Absences

Be on Time to school – No Tardies

Good Citizenship

Be Respectful

Be Responsible for your actions

Be a good Citizen

Be Positive

School work/Homework caught up

Be a good friend

Each month the core teacher will choose a student who has met the above criteria. The student will then receive a “Student of the Month” pin and will have lunch with the principal.

Sept. 23. – School Carnival – 4:00pm – 7:00pm

The following is a message from our OES PTA:

“The PTA is excited to announce that our 2019 school carnival is coming on Monday, September 23 from 4pm-7pm. This is the one fundraiser we do for the year and it helps support many different programs we sponsor throughout the year that benefit our kids and families. Please see the attached flyer for important details and suggested theme assignments for your classes. Please keep in mind though that we are happy to accept any donation at all and the themes are only suggested. We are excited to see everyone there. This is always one of the best nights of the year!”

Flyer 1-2019.pdf

The Following is information for the community:

Alpine School District Special Education Parent Night

Thursday, September 26, 2019 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Alpine School District Special Education Office Conference Room, 350 North State Street, Lindon

Communication is the Key: How parents are a vital part of the IEP team

Parents have an enduring and passionate interest in the education of their child. It is so important for IEP teams to have clear communication between all team members. Come participate in an overview of the IEP process, and discuss and hear ideas to better improve communication between the school and the parent in order to achieve optimal progress for students.

Register at

Open to parents of students who are struggling in school, on an IEP or Section 504 Plan.

Childcare is not provided.

Questions? Please contact Maria Wiscombe, Utah Parent Center Consultant for Alpine School District at [email protected] 801-318-1959

“MVHS Cheer is sponsoring their annual Itty Bitty Bruins Cheer Camp so if you are interested, please see the flyer below.”

The Stronger Families Project provides family classes to build upon strengths and resiliency that families already have, and to provide access to tools to help them achieve this. We also teach children important values and contemporary family principles. This program is available to any family who feels that our program’s purpose can serve the needs of their family. The program is FREE, the whole family is invited, and DINNER is provided each week. It is on a first come first serve basis. Flyer

Fall 2019 Flyer (English).pdf

Fall 2019 Flyer (Spanish).pdf

Have a great long weekend and we will see everyone back on Tuesday, September 3, 2019.

Principal Message – August 26, 2019

By Principal's Message

August 26, 2019

Good Afternoon OES Families! School is now in full swing and we will welcome Kindergarten students this Tuesday. Don’t forget that Kindergarten Back to School night is today from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. You should be able to see who your student’s Kindergarten teacher in Skyward.

Preschool begins Tuesday, August 27, 2019. Please remember that all parents must use the main school doors and show their pass as they walk by the office. This is for our school safety. We want to make sure our school is safe for everyone, therefore everyone who enters the school must enter the front doors and check in at the office. Thank you for helping us with this important issue.

There are a couple of other safety issues that I need to remind everyone about. Please do not park in the red drop off and school bus zones. This causes a bit of a problem for the flow of traffic. As always, please remember to drive slowly and avoid distractions such as cell phones as you drop your children off at school. Please re-train your children to use the crosswalks when crossing to come to school.

Supervision is provided for students 15 minutes prior to the start of the school day. The supervision times are as follows:

7:45 – 8:05am for the early bird students.

9:00am – 9:15am for the later gator students.

Afternoon Kindergarten student supervision begins at 12:20pm – 12:35pm in the back of the school near the Kindergarten doors.

Please make sure your children don’t come too early, we want to make sure our students are safe and supervised.

The PTA is in need of volunteers for the hearing screening tomorrow, August 27, 2019. Here is the message from Jana Hyatt, our PTA President:

We need 4 people to help with hearing screening on Tue Aug 27th. 2 in the morning from 9-11:30 and 2 in the afternoon from 12-2. Please let Jana Hyatt know if you can help. My phone number is 385-207-8883.

Our school has a new t-shirt design. Please go to:

When you order, please check the “pick up” option. The t-shirts will be delivered to the school and we will get the orders to the students. If you choose the “shipping” option, there will be an added cost. Orders for t-shirts will be available until September 6, 2019. This way we will have them just in time for our school carnival which is on September 23, 2019. More carnival details to come.

Each year families must register for the free/reduced lunch plan. If you haven’t registered, or would like to know if you qualify, please see the attached link.

Kindergarten begins Tuesday, August 27, 2019. The city of Orem has notified us that the Orem Police Department will no longer provide crossing guards for Kindergarten students. Please see the attached flyer:


Thank you for your help in these matters. I really appreciate the support you give to your children and our school.

Have a great week!

Principal Message August 22, 2019

By Principal's Message

August 22, 2019

We have almost made it through the first week of school.  

It is great to see everyone back.  With the start of school there I would like to share some reminders for our students and families.

Please use caution and drive slowly when dropping off and picking up students at school.  Everyone needs to help in order to keep our students safe. There are signs that indicate the pick up and drop off zone, please do not park in the red zone.  We also have a bus zone, this is for the students who attend USDB and a few of our Orem Elementary school students. This is for busses only. Please do not park or pick up/drop off your child in the bus zone.  Also, please teach your children to use crosswalks. This is invaluable.

I realize that there is limited parking in the front south lot, we have ample parking in the back of the school (south east lot), if you need to come into the school, please park in a parking stall.

We have a few really great opportunities for our students.  

For students in grades 4th – 6th we have:

  • Ballroom

Ballroom is a fun way to make friends and get moving.  We are excited to be offering two ballroom options this year:

1. 4th-5th graders will meet on Mondays from 2:35-3:35 for $80

2.  6th graders will meet on Mondays from 2:35-3:35 and Wednesdays from 3:35-4:35 for $160

Any students are welcome to come try the first day of class on September 4th (6th graders) or September 9th (4th-5th graders). Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend or have any questions.  If you want to join then please submit the attached registration form to the front office.

 EB registration 2019-2020 .docx (1)

Thank you,

Tamie Heaton


  • School Choir

Registration Children’s Choir 2019-2020 Forms due by.pdf

  • School Orchestra (this is held at Orem Jr. High)

Orem Elementary Orchestra Flyer 2019 (1).pdf

We also have the opportunity for every student in our school to participate in “Reflections”.  The theme this year is:

Look Within

Please see the following video:

There is a table in front of the office that has the rules and categories for Reflections. 

Don’t forget that Kindergarten Open House is this upcoming Monday, August 26, 2019 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm.  The first day of Kindergarten is Tuesday, August 27, 2019.

We are off to a great start of the school year!